RFQ - Grant Writing Services

Tolowa Dee-ni' Nation

Smith River, CA United States


The Tolowa Dee-ni’ Nation (hereafter “TDN” or “Nation”) seeks qualifications from Grant Development firms or individual(s) (hereafter “Consultant) with experience working with/for Tribal communities.

Interested applicants shall provide evidence of their qualifications, beginning with completion of the Grant Skill Summary Chart provided. The Grant Skill Summary Chart is an Excel spreadsheet attached to this document. Applicants are to fill out and submit the revised Excel spreadsheet. Qualified candidates are expected to provide proof or examples of the following education, background, experience, and information:

From Grant Skill Summary Chart:

1) Number of years of experience in successful grant writing.

2) Number of successful grant applications submitted in the last 10 years, how much was awarded and through which funding source.

3) Knowledge and experience working with Tribal governments.

4) Proven success in securing funding from Federal and State sources.

From samples

5) Excellent verbal and written communication skills;

6) Excellent writing, communication, and organizational skills.

7) Resume, portfolio, or qualification papers showing relevant work performed;

8) At least two professional references for relevant work performed;

9) Data Analysis and information gathering skills

RFQ and grant skill form located @ https://www.tolowa-nsn.gov/bids.aspx?bidID=28

Experience Level
Entry (0-1 year)
AICP Level
Other Specialty
Salary Range

Contact Information

Resource URL