Members of OAPA

Join the world’s largest planning organization that offers opportunities and resources for everyone— planners, students, commissioners, educators, engaged citizens, and allied professionals alike — committed to creating communities that thrive and prosper.

Join Now!

Our membership brochure provides a handy overview of the Chapter’s work and the benefits of being a member.

Note: To apply for Chapter-only Membership, please print and complete the membership form and mail mail it with appropriate fees to:

American Planning Association
205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1200
Chicago, IL 60601

Chapter-only memberships run through APA National.

Become a member for all of these reasons:

Conferences and Workshops

Oregon Chapter and APA conferences and workshops bring the latest in theory and application to planning professionals, commission members, and citizens.  Chapter workshops are held in a variety of locations around the state, cover a range of planning issues, and allow professional networking and camaraderie. Conference fees are reduced for Chapter members. See what's happening on the OAPA Events Calendar!

Newsletter and Blog

A newsletter with up-to-date information about upcoming events and other Chapter activity is emailed to members twice a month. Articles from the newsletter regarding planning issues, land use law, member milestones, and other subjects of interest to planners are shared on the OAPA blog. The Oregon Planners’ Journal (OPJ) and blog article links are emailed to all Chapter members.

Legislative and Policy Action

The Oregon Chapter’s progressive advocacy program offers members opportunities to participate in the state legislative process. The chapter’s Legislative program evaluates issues, identifies priorities, develops, then implements legislative strategies.

AICP Exam Preparation

The chapter provides study materials and conducts periodic workshops preparing Chapter members for the AICP exam.

Planning Commissioner Training

The Oregon Chapter sponsors planning commissioner training courses teaching the essentials every planning commissioner should know from the basics of zoning to the complexities of land use hearing procedures.


The Oregon Chapter recognizes the best of Oregon’s planners and planning projects.

Volunteer Opportunities

The Oregon Chapter routinely benefits from the high degree of participation of its members. The Chapter encourages member participation in its diverse array of activities, including the Professional Development Committee, the Education and Outreach Committee, the Emerging Planners Group, the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Group, advocacy activities, conference planning, the awards process, the newsletter, and more.


The Oregon Chapter’s conferences, workshops, newsletter, and volunteer activities provide vital links with others working in the planning field.

For more information on Membership in OAPA please contact