National Community Planning Month

OAPA encourages all Oregon planners to think about how what they do creates long term value for their communities, and to help their communities celebrate planning and its many contributions to building great communities. Planning often gets caught up in the day-to-day routine of city and county work, and even professional planners can sometimes lose sight of its importance.
OAPA has suggestions and resources to help communities celebrate, described in OAPA’s National Community Planning Month information packet. Find additional resources and learn what other communities are doing on APA’s National Community Planning Month site.
Great Places in America

National Community Planning Month also kicks off the lead up to nominations for APA’s Great Places in America program, where you can also see the great places recognized in 2019 and in prior years. As of 2020, the Great Places in American program is on hold. However, it's never too late to start conversations about great places in your community!
For questions, assistance, or ideas on how to tell your planning stories, contact Deb Meihoff, FAICP, Education and Outreach Committee Chair.