Emerging Planners Group
Meeting & Contact Information
Chair: Allan Wilson
Meetings are held on the second Friday of each month from 12:00-1:00 pm via Zoom.

The Emerging Planners Group (EPG) is a sub-group of the OAPA membership committee and will be organizing events and activities intended to provide career growth and networking opportunities for OAPA members who are new to the planning field. There is no cost for membership in the EPG – participation in EPG events and activities is open to all members of OAPA. The EPG is intended for students or emerging planners of any age within the first few years of their career; however, OAPA encourages the participation of all OAPA members, particularly at events that involve mentorship and training opportunities for EPG members.
OAPA formed the group to accomplish the following goals:
- Identify and address the unique needs of new planning professionals.
- Strengthen the connection and facilitate the transition between the academic and professional planning environments.
- Provide educational opportunities specifically tailored to new planners.
- Foster social and professional relationships with peers and experienced planning professionals through career building programs, social events, and mentoring opportunities.
- Encourage new planners to bring their energy and innovative thoughts to OAPA.
- Facilitate professional development and network building through the Mentorship Program.
If you would like to be involved in the planning of future events, contact the EPG chair at epg@oregonapa.org. To be included in future event announcements click the Sign Up link below.