Apply to be a mentee or a mentor

New planning professionals (0-5 years experience) and students in graduate planning programs may apply to be mentees. Experienced professionals (5+ years experience) may apply to be mentors.
Application window
The Mentorship Program typically takes applications in the fall of each year. Stay tuned to newsletters from the Chapter and Emerging Planners Group or social media for the next application deadline. For more information on the program in the interim, contact the Mentorship Program Coordinators.
Expectations & Commitment
- Attend all three program events. Attendance is strongly encouraged in order to better develop the cohort relationship and maximize networking opportunities, particularly for the Kick-off Event. The inability to attend events does not disqualify you from participating in the program.
- Meet with your match monthly outside of the sponsored program events. Regular meetings are important for fostering the match-pair relationship. These may take many forms, from a chat over coffee to job shadowing, to resume review– you get to decide together what type of meet-ups will be most valuable.
- Be proactive in developing a relationship with your mentor/mentee. This program is largely what you make of it. The greatest resource you are provided is your match partner. Take advantage of your time as a mentorship pair!
Apply today!
For More Information
Contact the Mentorship Program Coordinators or EPG Chair for further information.