Candidate for At-Large Member

Daniele Spirandelli (she/her)

My motivation for running as a board member of OAPA is driven by my commitment to fostering an inclusive, sustainable, and forward-thinking planning landscape. The motivation stems from recognizing the urgent need to address the challenges of climate change through innovative planning strategies. By advocating for climate-resilient urban and rural communities, I aim to position the OAPA as a leader in climate action.

Moreover, I am inspired to bring multiple perspectives to the board to enrich the discourse. Diverse voices, including those from underrepresented groups and younger generations, are essential for crafting holistic and equitable planning policies. Motivating and engaging younger planners is a priority, as their fresh insights and digital literacy can drive innovation within the OAPA, ensuring its continued relevance and adaptability in a rapidly changing world. Ultimately, my motivation centers on supporting OAPA as an organization that embraces inclusivity, empowers the next generation, and leads the charge in addressing one of the defining issues of our time—climate change.

I am a strategic, systems-oriented resilience planner with Haley & Aldrich, a national environmental consulting firm with offices in Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. I transitioned into the private sector in 2020 after nearly a decade in Academia. I enjoy working with a diverse range of clients and stakeholders to address their concerns about climate change. I actively listen to understand clients' needs and values, then integrate those with the most up-to-date climate science to identify vulnerabilities and develop climate-resilient strategies. I work with a variety of communities and institutions across the Pacific Northwest including utility companies, real-estate developers, county planners, and community-based organizations. I believe one of our biggest challenges in the planning field right now is implementing equitable adaptation policies that address both social equity and climate resilience. An inspiring project that I worked on was with communities from West Kauai facilitating a community-based vulnerability assessment to coastal hazards and identifying opportunities for mainstreaming climate adaptation, including nature-based solutions.